
This project is part of our European Development Plan started few years ago and will contribute to achieve the objective of internationalization of our institutes. All the partners involved in this project proposition have previous experience in Erasmus+ projects and we met eachother in different project mobility KA1 and KA2. The fact that we know each other personally and as institutions will give solid base to our partnership.

The main idea of this project proposal is to create a link among the goal of the Agenda 2030 and the European priorities for the school education.
Behaviours and attitudes change. We want to make students and families aware of more responsible attitudes. They have to realize that each single action will be important to improve the quality of their life and of the next generations. Updates the status of the management in the 4 chosen goals in each school taking in consideration the best practices of each partner. Sharing best practices in the different fields, the schools will have the opportunity to improve the context and the environment in which they work.
Sensitize the local community. The project involves collaboration with associations, parents and relatives, the local community. The fact that students will go for survey and research at local level will arouse interest in the local community. We are conscious that the awareness process that comes from bottom will be more efficient, produces better results and will attract interest of many more citizens.

8 students and 2 teachers per partner will take part in each mobility. The selection of the students will be among those fmo 11 to 14 years old.
For what concerns the teachers: every partner has already a close-knit group of teachers that are part of the Erasmus+ work. These teachers are the first involved in the project activities and management. Other teachers will be involved in base of the different subject and activities. The most relevant aspect for the selection of the teachers in the mobility and activities are the language competences, to ensure the best communication and developing of lessons.

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