
In 1st e-mobility (Belgium) the student took part in a training focused on the theatre methodology for school. The meeting is focused on the developing of key competences and on the sharing of best practices in non formal education activities. The workshop is focused on climate change, pollution, taking care of environament and sustainable development. Goal n° 4.
The 2nd mobility (Italy) is focused on the goal n°3. During the meeting the participants took part in lessons, laboratories, workshops, visits with experts and will enjoy visits in biological farms. We will combine activities on food with foreign language, science and biology and art.
During the 3rd mobility (Finland) students took part in workshop related to the “3 E”, they will play sole game “The island” to sensitize tham on building sustainable society. Visits to park and sharing of best exepriences and practices on climate impact will be also in the agenda of the meeting. Goal n°13.
The 4th mobility (France) is focused on the goal n°15 of the Agenda 2030 and on the priority related to environment topic. The participants enjoyed lessons, laboratories, workshops, visits with experts and will enjoy cultural green activities. Study, discovering and protection of biodiversity are the main activities of this mobility.
In 5th mobility (Belgium) the student took part in a training to enrich thier language and communication skills, improve their self-esteem and familiarize with non-formal education. The meeting is focused on the developing of key competences and on the sharing of best practices in non formal education activities. They had special visits to the European Parliament, Namur and Dinant, to discover the heritage of the Wallony Region and the functions of main European organization.

5th mobility Belgium

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